Wakeful Dreams: on Thinking.

When it comes to thinking as a thought process, particularly the clarity of it, most would say that it is hinged on the mental ability of some sort without realising that it is actually most dependent on the mental capacity first and foremost. The capacity is an opening made deliberately to usher in the ability which, in fact, everyone has by default. Without first emptying the space, there's simply no chance for the ability to take hold and evolve. That is why housekeeping needs to be done by deliberately clearing out the junk. There are plenty of ways how this junk accumulates, and it keeps coming in various shapes and forms: physical, emotional, mental. And instead of letting go of it, we take in more and more. We clutter our capacity with the foods that shouldn't be eaten, with anger or jealousy that shouldn't be allowed in and with obsessions or desires that should never be entertained. The capacity is an absolute prerequisite for anything meaningful to emerge because the meaning itself is a product of a vacuum, but more on this later. Figuratively speaking, we are all swimming in the same dirty bath water, looking for the meaning and not knowing that the clarity will not come unless someone pulls out the plug.

So, once the effort is taken to eliminate all the clutter, the innate abilities will slowly and inconspicuously begin to enter the space. You won't even notice them at first, but pretty soon something wonderful will start emerging from within and that wonderful something is you. Yes, it is that “you” which has been neglected for the most part, hidden deep down underneath the piles upon piles of someone else's thoughts, ideas, habits and stereotypes. You have been accustomed to think that this pile is “you”, but oh Boy (Girl), were you wrong! Now, once you have obtained yourself don't get delirious, keep the area tidy and let go as easily as you accept. And remember: the pinnacle of thinking is to create, and the pinnacle of creating is to let go. Enjoy!